In second year of my college I was introduced to our college cultural group. This opened doors to new realm of art, aesthetics and theater for me. During my time there I learnt numerous art forms and ended up working as an art section head of the college. I also got the opportunity to improve and design some new art forms and events. I designed sets for various plays along with lights and color design and learnt that it was a crucial part of a storytelling process.
These are the set designs for plays 'SAAWAJ' & 'A WEDDING STORY' and quick glance in the design process. 

              A horror story book writer goes to an old mansion in a village with his daughter, in search for a new story. There he faces the real horror incidents and finds the dark secrets about that place. The turn of events happens and his daughter get trapped in this. When it comes to his daughters life, he fights furiously and saves his daughter.

             A dreamy couple in a village decides to have a pre-wedding shoot for their wedding. Entertaining turn of events/ situations occurs as their families, relatives and villagers hasn't been on camera/film before. As shooting goes on, love between them grows/blossoms as they has to go through some tough talks/decisions about their career and future together.
Theater Set Design

Theater Set Design
